How does it work?
Attract Talent is a job distribution service. We have built an engine that effectively makes job boards compete for your jobs so you can get great job visibility whilst keeping the cost down.
What types of vacancy can you recruit for?
We are confident that we will be able to find suitable candidates as you will be advertising on the biggest job boards. Your account manager will choose the best category for your job title to ensure your jobs get the best coverage. If you wish to discuss the category options, then please discuss this with your account manager.
What guarantees are there?
Our guarantee is simple. As well as advertising your jobs in the best possible places for the maximum impact, your account manager will actively search and qualify 3 CVs for every job advertised.
Can I have a free trial?
Unfortunately, not. We need to guarantee your job is advertised in the best places and this can’t be done for free.
How can you save me time?
We have invested heavily in the service side of our business and have an Award Winning Candidate Management Team that act as an extension of your HR team. Our in-house web-based candidate management platform streamlines and centralizes the entire process. Get in touch to find out more.
Where are my jobs advertised?
We work with hundreds of premium, niche and organic job boards. Depending upon your requirements, location and job type, our engine will ensure you are visible on the best suited job boards for a great candidate response. This usually means a combination of local, industry specific and national job boards.
How long does it take to start getting candidates?
Typically, candidates will start to arrive in 24 hours. This can vary depending upon your requirements.
How can I get in touch with Attract Talent if I have any questions?
We have live chat, email support and are available via the phone if you need anything or just want to say hi!
Will I need training to use the software?
No, not at all. We will guide you through everything and if you’re stuck, just let us know via live chat, email or phone.
Where do your services cover?
We cover and operate across the entire UK. We also cover parts of Europe and have the resources to operate globally.
How long do you keep the advertisements online?
Job advertisements are kept live within your portal for 30 days.
What happens if I don't use all my job credits in the month?
Unused job credits are rolled over to the following month and continue to roll on if not used. They are never lost or taken away. This is really beneficial for businesses that have seasonal demand, with recruitment at peak times of the year.